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Price : Rs3,200 (Fixed)
Type : For Sale
Date : 22/12/2022
Condition : New
Warranty : Under Warranty
Location : Shama Metro Bus Station, Ferozepur Road, Ichhra Lahore, Pakistan



Material : Glass Fabric Heat Treated

Color : Milky White

Weight : 450 Gram

Temperature Resistance : 550°C

Refilling: No refilling required

Thickness : 0.5mm

Size : 1.0m × 1.0m

Suitable for the type of fire : Class A, Class B

Fire Blanket Use

The hearth blanket needs to place close to the hotspot area. When the fire breaks out the user needs to pick up the fire blanket from the bag with the help of two hanging tails. Then the user has to cover the object which catches the fire with a blanket. The hearth blanket works by reducing off the oxygen delivered to the fire.

A fire breaks out when all the three-element of the fire triangle (heat, fuel, and oxygen) are present. When the blanket cuts off the oxygen from these three elements the fire will be extinguished. You can also use this method when the body catches the fire, a user just has to wrap the body with the blanket and smother the fire.

Fire blankets can be used to extinguish small fires in the home, caravan, boat or garage. They can also be used to wrap around a person whose clothes have caught alight.

Due to their efficient and quick-fire extinguishing features, they are used widely in many places. These places are:







Clothing fires

Apart from the obvious reasons; that is, putting off fires, fire blankets have many other uses as well. There can be many situations in your life where these may turn out to be lifesavers.

Below are listed some of the reasons why you should invest in them:

Fire blankets are very easy to use as it requires no former training for use and can be used by anyone, be it an adult or a child. They can be used to put off fires on people which is not possible through fire extinguishers. One of its greatest advantages is that it lets you escape fires by wrapping them around your body. They can be used to put off small household fires quickly and prevent them from spreading in their initial stage only. A person can easily use it on themselves to put off a fire. It is best to store fire blankets in or adjacent to a kitchen but not too close to a potential hazard for the example above a stove. They are very affordable, inexpensive, and easy to store. Fire blankets can be cleaned or washed and reused.


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